Thursday, December 8, 2011

RJ's Art Show at Eastminster Preschool - 05.02.11

The drawing on the left was how RJ drew himself at the start of the school year (Fall 2010).  The one of the right was how he drew himself towards the end of the school year (Spring 2011).  That is a big improvement I would say!

RJ's favorite color is green.  Whenever he does any artwork, most of the time he would choose the color green.  I knew just by looking at the cake art that the green one belonged to RJ.  


 Here is his recipe for a lime flavored birthday cake.    He said his cake will serve 1 person.  The ingredients are:  sprinkles, cocoa puffs and water.  Directions:  Mix with some baking things, and bake for 4 minutes!  :)  Looks good to me!

Can you guess which drum belongs to RJ?

 RJ's next painting was a frog.  The teacher commented that his was one of the paintings that they can actually identify.  RJ said that he painted "A froggy and a sun and grass.  The frog is jumping"

 I thought his teachers have a good sense of humor...

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