Friday, December 28, 2012

First Christmas in Shanghai

Christmas Day 2012 - MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Taking a stroll after lunch at Kerry Parkside

Giant gingerbread house

 RJ said this is the biggest and nicest tree he has ever seen.
More gingerbread houses...

 Time to visit Science and Technology Museum

 Construction zone play area

 Richard was so tired from a full day of play that he fell asleep on the subway.
 Present opening time.

Freshly baked cinnamon rolls anyone?
Day after Christmas surprise all the way via priority mail from the US.  Thanks to the Santa Yeoh and his helpers for making the kid's Christmas... :)
Assembling his new Lego

 Even Mom got a present!  Thanks Auntie Ying!
 Making fruit salad
Thanks Auntie Marilyn for the magnet kit.  We enjoyed making and painting them.  Thanks for the Uno game Auntie Josephine!  I am sure we will have a blast playing with it.

Crayon Christmas Wishes Christmas Card
Heartfelt: Christmas photo cards and holiday cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

December 2012 Random Pictures

At the SMIC LQ playground

They found a renewed interest on their DS from a year ago.

 At Jingan
 Taking a picture by the Martini Christmas tree.
 Finally saw some great Christmas decorations.  I thought there was no Christmas display in Shanghai... I guess it is because we do not venture out too often.

 Trees inside the mall.

 RJ's first check-up in Shanghai.  He is 6 years old and weighs 24.72 kg. on December 16, 2012.
 He is now 120 cm. tall.  He ranks 50th percentile on height and about 80% on weight.  Time to watch out on his food intake per doctors order.

 Here is Richard at 3 years old weighing 13.08 kg.
 He is about 92 cm. tall.  He is around 25th percentile for both height and weight.  The doctor said that we should try to feed him more.

Richard took this picture of their Transformer collection.
Taking our our Transformers stash.   RJ figured out how to transform a few of them.  These are pretty amazing toys.  I had fun learning with the kids.

Bought a bike to make our life easier... that is if Mom can figure out how to ride it.  It might take awhile.  :)

Richard learning on the computer.  This is his teacher for the day.  :)

At the subway... the nice thing about being kids or having kids at the subway is "most of the time" people will give up their seats for the kids.  

RJ with his piano teacher, Brandon ge-ge