Friday, December 28, 2012

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Again! November 17, 2012

November 17, 2012 - We love coming here as the kids have a lot of fun.  The place is huge.  Most of the time, we discover something new each time we go.  On this trip, they had on a special marine exhibit.

RJ on the drums
 Playing bubbles

 RJ and Dad waiting for Richard to finish exploring.

 Playing with the neon sticks.
 RJ loves the mirror maze

 Great Wall of China
 CD technology

 Marine exhibit

 Kissing the fish

December 2, 2012 - Dad was on a business trip and we had nothing else better to do...
 This is how Richard looks when he is upset.
 They had a Thomas the Train exhibit this time.
 Watching how the trains work.

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