Thursday, December 27, 2012

September 2012 Random Pictures

Lunch with Uncle Kerwin, Auntie Marilyn and Kendra at an Italian restaurant.  The kids enjoyed making and eating their own pizza.

Strolling along Wulumuqi Rd. after lunch.

Back at the malls doing their favorite thing... posing with these figures...

 Riding the subway.  We have the whole lane to ourself on Line 7.  Nice!

Haircut day.

Walking along JinQiao area after having lunch at a Taiwanese restaurant.

RJ and I having a Mommy and Me time at McDonalds.   Breakfast was pretty good.  It was RJ's first time having hot chocolate and he loved it.  I enjoyed my time with my little boy.  He is growing up so fast... super gentle and kind hearted.  He is always trying to please me.  I wish there is more time in the day so that I can pay more attention to him and spend more time with him.

The kids goofing around at Thumb Plaza.  There is a little fast food area here that serves chasiu.  The kids are converted... they prefer this over pizza's and burgers.
Posing with Panda at the mall
 Relaxing on his stroller
 2 little monkeys jumping on the bed!

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