Friday, December 28, 2012

First Christmas in Shanghai

Christmas Day 2012 - MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Taking a stroll after lunch at Kerry Parkside

Giant gingerbread house

 RJ said this is the biggest and nicest tree he has ever seen.
More gingerbread houses...

 Time to visit Science and Technology Museum

 Construction zone play area

 Richard was so tired from a full day of play that he fell asleep on the subway.
 Present opening time.

Freshly baked cinnamon rolls anyone?
Day after Christmas surprise all the way via priority mail from the US.  Thanks to the Santa Yeoh and his helpers for making the kid's Christmas... :)
Assembling his new Lego

 Even Mom got a present!  Thanks Auntie Ying!
 Making fruit salad
Thanks Auntie Marilyn for the magnet kit.  We enjoyed making and painting them.  Thanks for the Uno game Auntie Josephine!  I am sure we will have a blast playing with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The two boys are adjusting so well ah :) Richard has grown too since the last time I saw him!-michelle