Friday, December 28, 2012

RJ's 6th Birthday CelebrationS

 Here are some chocolate cupcakes with "green" cream cheese frosting that RJ requested for his birthday.  We also took him out to eat on his birthday.  The big surprise was he wanted to go to a Chinese restaurant for chasiu instead of burgers and fries.  A year ago, I would never thought that day would come when RJ would prefer to eat rice and Chinese food.

This is his "green" birthday loot bag for his classmates

RJ was having lunch in school when I delivered his cupcakes.

 Below are some pictures that the teacher took on RJ's birthday
 RJ distributing the cupcakes
 Picture with Teacher Amanda, his English teacher.  This was taken outside of their classroom where the kids keep their plants.  Over the past 3 months they had planted many different things.  They have been learning a lot about nature, about how to care for plants and even learned how to use herbs and plant for medicine.

 RJ's Chinese teacher made him this little birthday hat.
 Handing out the loot bags.

RJ's birthday celebration at home.  He got to invite 3 of his classmates.  He chose to invite John, Tiffany and Sarah.

 Guess it was a "happy" birthday for him.  :)
 Richard dancing the day away...

 Thanks Uncle Jason, Auntie Ying, Joshua and Emily for the package.  RJ was super excited!
 Joshua, RJ likes your drawing a lot and he kept it in a safe place.
 RJ reading his present.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The kids are very lucky to have you as their mom! -michelle